Home / News & Events / Centerstone & Lyssn.io partner to bring innovative AI-powered training to behavioral health clinicians

Centerstone & Lyssn.io partner to bring innovative AI-powered training to behavioral health clinicians

Delivering effective, data driven, and efficient clinical staff training at scale is one of the most intractable challenges facing health and human service organizations. Decades of research reveal that it often takes up to 17 years for evidence-based practices to be fully adopted by clinicians, and only about half of adult patients receive mental health treatment that is evidence-based. Centerstone, a multi-state nonprofit health system specializing in the delivery of mental health and substance use disorder services, is seeking to change this. Through a new long-term product development and joint marketing partnership with Lyssn.io, the leading, AI-powered behavioral health and human services technology company, Centerstone will incorporate and customize Lyssn’s AI and natural language processing platform to train its team of more than 3,000 clinicians in the latest evidence-based practices.

Lyssn will initially provide Centerstone access to self-guided, on-demand trainings for motivational interviewing (MI), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and multicultural counseling. Learners at Centerstone will engage in simulated clinical interactions, and      Lyssn’s AI platform will evaluate responses and provide immediate tips and feedback they can then incorporate into sessions with actual clients. Through the partnership, Lyssn will use its innovative technology and clinical expertise to develop seven additional customized trainings for Centerstone therapists, case managers, peer support staff, and other mental health clinicians, all of which will draw on Lyssn’s proprietary data including tens of thousands of hours of real-world sessions and millions of labeled utterances from diverse populations.

“We’ve long recognized the importance of high-quality clinical training for our staff because we know that is how we help our patients get better faster,” said Ashley Newton, chief executive officer of Centerstone’s Institute. “Thanks to our partnership with Lyssn, Centerstone will soon be able to supplement our current training opportunities with a new avenue that allows our behavioral health clinicians to practice evidence-based protocols while receiving immediate performance feedback.”

In 2021, Centerstone’s Institute launched the world’s first known simulation training center for community-based behavioral health clinicians, known as the SIM Center. Centerstone’s SIM Center combines multiple learning formats, including live interactions with standardized patients, to train clinicians in a variety of evidence-based practices. Through the tools provided by its partnership with Lyssn, Centerstone expects to rapidly increase the rate at which clinicians can participate in trainings offered by its SIM Center. “We founded Lyssn to enable mission-driven organizations to improve care and adherence to evidence-based practices using intuitive, user-friendly AI powered tools,”     said David Atkins, PhD, CEO and co-founder of Lyssn. “Centerstone embodies the principles of service excellence and innovation, ensuring its people have access to the latest technologies to deliver world-class, culturally sensitive care.  We are thrilled to embark on this long-term collaboration to improve provider and patient experience at scale.”

About Centerstone:
Centerstone is a nonprofit health system specializing in mental health and substance use disorder treatments for people of all ages. Services are available in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee through the operation of outpatient clinics, residential programs, school-based services, telehealth, and an inpatient hospital. Centerstone also offers specialized programs available nationwide for the military community, as well as services for children, including therapeutic foster care. Centerstone’s Institute provides guidance through research and technology, leveraging the best evidence-based practices for use across our communities. Centerstone’s Foundation secures philanthropic resources to support the work and mission of delivering care that changes people’s lives. Learn more by visiting centerstone.org.    

About Lyssn:
Lyssn, backed by more than a decade of NIH funding and dozens of pioneering peer reviewed studies and data, offers the only AI and natural language processing platform that uses the same gold-standard evaluation tools trusted by experts in academia and healthcare to evaluate and improve the use of evidence-based practice in the behavioral health, coaching, crisis, and human services sectors. With always-on quality improvement and intuitive, on-demand training, Lyssn supports and documents the use of evidence-based practices while improving service quality at scale. Lyssn also provides the leading generative AI tools for clinician and systems to reduce workforce burdens.  Rooted in over a decade of scientific inquiry from leading academic scientists, Lyssn’s technology has been validated in 60+ peer-reviewed academic publications, and is in use by over 70 clinical, human services, academic, and population health institutional clients in the U.S. and UK. Lyssn represents the new standard of practice in health and human services. For more information, please visit www.lyssn.io.      

For more information or to arrange an interview, please reach out to mediainquiries@centerstone.org

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