Home / News & Events / Centerstone’s 988 chat and text program receives accreditation by International Council for Helplines

Centerstone’s 988 chat and text program receives accreditation by International Council for Helplines

Centerstone, a nonprofit leader in the delivery of mental health care and substance use disorder services, has received a three-year accreditation from the International Council for Helplines (ICH) for its 988 online chat and texting program.

Centerstone crisis services have been in operation for more than three decades and have worked in partnership with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, now the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, since 2005. Centerstone operates a crisis services continuum across its multi-state footprint and current crisis services include a crisis call/chat/text center, mobile crisis response teams, psychiatric walk-in/23-hour observation centers, crisis stabilization units, and an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

In June 2022, Centerstone became a National Backup Center for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s online chat and texting service. Services began in July 2022 and since then, Centerstone has responded to more than 116,000 interactions from people in emotional distress.

“We’re so grateful to ICH for awarding us with this critical accreditation,” said Kelly Bombardiere, vice president enterprise crisis call center at Centerstone. “It means so much to us because it’s a testament to Centerstone’s commitment to excellence in crisis care and providing the best possible resources to people during times of great need.”

To become an accredited helpline, organizations like Centerstone must complete a rigorous evaluation process conducted by officials at ICH. The process includes interviews with staff and leadership, as well as submitting organizational materials related to governance and leadership, fiscal and administrative health, facilities, equipment and safety, employee training, program management, supervision, support and evaluation of helpline specialists, suicide prevention and intervention, management of specific contact types, and specific components related to operating an online emotional support platform. With its recent accreditation, Centerstone becomes one of just 59 crisis organizations throughout the United States that are accredited through ICH.

 About Centerstone:
Centerstone is a nonprofit health system specializing in mental health and substance use disorder treatments for people of all ages. Services are available in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee through the operation of outpatient clinics, residential programs, school-based services, telehealth, and an inpatient hospital. Centerstone also offers specialized programs available nationwide for the military community, as well as services for children, including therapeutic foster care. Centerstone’s Institute provides guidance through research and technology, leveraging the best evidence-based practices for use across our communities. Centerstone’s Foundation secures philanthropic resources to support the work and mission of delivering care that changes people’s lives. Learn more by visiting centerstone.org.    


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