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Centerstone’s Flourish program helps all families increase well-being and enhance the safety of the family by developing and improving parenting and communication skills, strengthening family relationships, working through trauma, and so much more.
Flourish provides the following services:
- Activities/treatment for families
- Screening/assessment and case management
- Mental health and substance use counseling for everyone in the immediate family
- Services for parents and children that improve parenting capacity and family functioning
- Peer support services
- Linkages to support services
Benefits include:
- Receive services from home or a Centerstone telehealth room
- Individualized assessment and care plan to meet your needs
- Virtual group parenting classes
Contact Information
For more information, contact flourish@centerstone.org or 1-877-HOPE123 (1-877-467-3123).
Refferal Information
To access the Flourish referral form, click here.
Flourish Client Testimonials
“Because I completed this program, I was able to get my kids back!”
“I was pushed out of my comfort zone in a good way. I now know how to talk about feelings and emotions.”
“I loved the peer support specialist, she was able to connect me to so many resources at a time when I really needed it.”
“I didn’t get it at first, but after learning more tools that we talked about in group and completing different activities, I feel very hopeful that I can communicate better. I learned some things for my family.”
“I am able to participate in this group and I can still work, I am able to do everything I need to do.”
“I don’t have to ask my kids nearly as many times to do things.”
“My relationship with my daughter is much stronger.”