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Keys to Recovery

Centerstone’s Keys to Recovery integrates behavioral health treatment and supportive services for individuals and families in Davidson County, TN, who experience homelessness and have a substance use or co-occurring disorder.

Homeless individuals in Davidson County experience higher rates of addiction, severe mental illness, domestic violence and HIV/AIDS, making it diffcult for them to find and sustain safe housing. Our staff work closely with individuals and their families to insure they have the resources needed for permanent housing that supports recovery.


Keys to Recovery services include:
• Support in securing and maintaining permanent housing
• Trauma-informed and individualized substance use disorder treatment
• Linkage to community resources
• Training and employment assistance
• Connection to physical and mental health care resources
• Additional recovery supports such as linkage to transportation, child care and education


This service is available to individuals and family members in Davidson County, TN, experiencing homelessness and a substance use or co-occuring disorder.

Centerstone’s Keys to Recovery is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals (SAMHSA/GBHI).

To make a referral or learn more, call us.

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1921 Ransom Place, Nashville, TN, 37217, US
Centerstone Alton Office