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Fostering Love: Christine’s Story

As a parent to seven adult children, Christine loves kids. So when someone at her church asked if she would like to be a foster parent, she said yes.

Christine says that she didn’t have an easy childhood. And she tries to instill in her foster children all the things she didn’t have or receive when she was growing up. Moreover, she understands why the children are part of a foster care program.

“Some of the children are from dysfunctional families, dependent neglect. For some, their behavior is why they’re in foster care, but they’re children. And they want to be loved. When you show a person that you love them and you’re concerned about them, it means everything.”

Christine believes that all children need to feel like someone cares for them. Many times others can be critical of children who are showing undesirable behaviors, but Christine reminds us that each of us can play a part in reaching them.

“You may be the one who can get through to them. What part are you planning to try to make it better for them,” she asks.

There are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care who need loving, safe, and supportive homes. At Centerstone, we look for foster families of all kinds, including people who are single, married, empty-nesters, LGBTQ, families with other children and families without children. We provide all of the training, support, and expertise so that families are prepared to transition a child into their home. In addition, we offer a full range of services 24/7 to help find resources that families may need beyond fostering like counseling and medical services.

We’re here to prepare you and support you before and during your foster parenting experience. Call 1-877-HOPE123 or visit Centerstonefamilies.org for more information.

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