You would never know his strength or ability until you watch him in action. Simon Greer is a testament to the FACT TEAM model. He is FACT through and through. This covid 19 did not slow him down one bit. He flourishes as a “front line responder”
Thanks for firstly being there and open. Then I am so so happy to be a part of such a great team. We are also sending a huge shout out to those working at home. We love and miss you all. Finally for all those FRONTLINE HEROS God bless
I just want to give a shout out to all our nurses during National Nurses Week. Thank you for all you do!
THANK YOU to Peggy Gibbs Nurse at the Gallatin Clinic for helping to make sure my Luton LAI Pt’s on Abilify Maintena were able to continue getting injections as ordering samples has been challenging! You were a life saver!!
Thanks to the Disaster Planners! You have us way ahead of the curve. Your planning works!
Shout out to Carin Hurt and Tiffany Graham (Scottsburg Indiana). These women were doing group on Zoom before the rest of us had figured it out! Thank you for all you do for our clients!
I want to recognize Pam Baugh, Pooja Chandelkar, and Shannon Franklin from the Seymour, Indiana A-Team. They recently stood (distanced with masks!) in a food line for almost 3 hours! They got food for our clients and then distributed it! Thank YOU
I am blessed and thankful to work for Centerstone and am proud of the ENTIRE Illinois team! Stay strong! This too shall pass!
Nurse Practitioner Laura Dotson has led the way in telehealth now for years. She followed her husband down to Northwest Florida (he works for NASA), but she enjoyed working for Centerstone so much, she continued seeing her clients in Tullahoma!
Ben is a Great Leader, loving ,kind,supportive and understanding!! He deserved acknowledgement! Thanks
Thank you Centerstone Heroes for all that you do!!!! I’m so blessed and grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization! It’s a family and families stick together! Centerstone truly cares!!!!
Thank you Centerstone Heroes for all that you do!!!! I’m so blessed and grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization! It’s a family and families stick together! Centerstone truly cares!!!!
One of our Carbondale HH clinicians faced a barrier of getting a client connected to Neurorestorative for needed services due to them not accepting Medicaid. However, through some investigating of resources she found and was able to connect the clie
To Sharon Lucas from your team FHHC in seeing us through such a transition, guiding us and assisting us like you always do. your amazing in all you do..
Jean Alstat has been amazing during the COVID crisis. She has been supportive, honest and has listened to our needs/fears. She has helped keep her team calm during the transition and to feel like they have someone on their side.
Thank you to our wonderful office professionals in Martinsville. Cathy, Jodi, and Stephany, you are at the heart of all we do ! I am thankful for your hard work.
Thank you to my Serenity, Pierson and Kinsey teams for making working so hard to make the COVID-19 transition and changes easier for our clients. This has been a difficult time for all but you have done a fantastic job caring for our clients.
Thank you for always guiding and directing your team and giving the best support ever and making us feel like we are somebody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… For being there during the difficult times and being positive for us
Melissa has done such a great job with keeping our team informed. I don’t feel like I am out of touch with being at home. I feel supported and I’m grateful. Thanks Melissa and thanks Medical Records Team!
Constance Squires – HIM Alton
This week we had a client present to the Alton office in crisis. With lots of team work & coordination we were able to complete her crisis screen, IATP, & get her linked with a hotel for a week as she is currently without housing. Great work team!
Thankful for all of our dedicated team members in Illinois for making a quick move to telehealth services from home. This was no simple task. While it continues to be challenging, clients continue to receive great service and care. I appreciate you!
Thank you so much for all the different resources and ideas for sessions with kids on the Child & Family Team. I cant speak for everyone on our team, but I know that your continued creativity is appreciated.
If it was not for Ms. Jennifer keeping two FACT Teams compliant with mandatory documentation and required deadlines, this Covid 19 pandemic would have been a disaster. Did you realize we got audited during this time. Bless Jennifer for her skills.
Thank you for all your hard work and continued effort during this time. Your dedication is appreciated!!!
Deanna Kuhn, Ginny Barth, Julianne Hyser-Cooper and Tamara Deaton,
Thank you for your continued dedication seeing the clients continue on their IM medications during this stressful time! You guys are AWESOME!
Ben Overby has extended his knowledge to some PSS in other areas. I believe I can speak for us all when I say he has gone above and beyond to keep us strong and motivated. Thanks Ben!😷
Along with their staffs Bryan Downey and Rachel Ladd at the Research Institute are doing an incredible job getting SnapMD accounts created, helping with activations, and troubleshooting problems with SnapMD and Zoom.
My heartfelt thanks to all you frontline heroes! I know you have got to be tired and stressed, but I wanted you to know that people are being helped through some very dark times, because you continue to do your jobs faithfully and diligently.
While many staff have the opportunity to work from home I wanted to acknowledge our case managers and some of our front desk staff who are continuously working on site to greet our clients and guide them to accessing care. #Centerstonestrong!
Thank you to all of the Illinois Health Home, ACT and Intensive Case Management Team Members for your continued dedication to our many clients who benefit from on going FTF support and skill building. I appreciate you always but even more so now.
I want to thank all the staff in Florida’s Outpatient office for continuing to provide services that changes peoples lives – even in the midst of a pandemic!!
This is a scary time, but we can do it,” go team”. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. we will get there.
To ALL of our Residential Team Members in Illinois: Thank you so much for your dedication during this uncertain time. I appreciate everything you do for all of our clients each shift you work. You are appreciated now and always!
I want give a huge thanks to all of our nurses who are still coming to work each day to ensure our patients are able to get their injections and PAP medication that they desperately need to avoid decompensating. The Clarksville nurses ROCK!
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone Jacksonville opened last month and almost immediately had to convert to all telehealth. Clinic Director Liz Sherr and our whole team has been tremendous in continuing to support Veterans.
HUGE THANK YOU to my ENTIRE MI-TLP Team who continue to service to our clients by working the frontlines every single day. Your hard work and dedication to our clients and the program is not going unnoticed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU #CStoneHeros
Thank you to Kala Hight, Matt Simmons, and Erin MacInerney for continuing to provide suicide prevention therapy groups, now in an online format!
A HUGE shout out to the Gallatin clinic team!! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU. have gone above and beyond for not only our clients, but in keeping up morale with each other. I am honored to be a part of this team!
I want to THANK our Program Coordinator Sara Garrison, she has helped each of us adjust to all of the changes at CRC. We are essential employees and daily she reminds us how important we are to our clients. Our Team is just that a TEAM 🙂
I want to recognize my Early Childhood Services team! The have gone above and beyond during this time to serve our families to meet their needs. Each staff meeting they are upbeat and positive on this transition. Thank you all for being #CStoneHeroes
During this very stressful time it is important for all of us to continue to encourage one another of a new normal that we are becoming accustomed to. Thank all of you that are still on the frontlines taking care of individuals face to face.
Having owned and operated a group home, I can not even imagine how difficult it would be during these times. Thank you to all the front line staff in the residential program who are keeping the residents well, fed, taken care of and protected!
I want to thank our outpatient department for sharing staff, ideas and supplies, and being there for one another. I want to thank our fearless leader, Charles Whitfield, for creating and fostering the “teamwork” environment long before Covid 19.
Thanks to #CstoneHeroes Jane Roseboro with Community Alignment and Charlotte Kepler in Transportation for sewing face masks for the Florida Centerstone team! Thanks to everyone who is going above and beyond each day!
Thanks to #CstoneHeroes Jane Roseboro with Community Alignment and Charlotte Kepler in Transportation for sewing face masks for the Florida Centerstone team! Thanks to everyone who is going above and beyond each day!
Your dedication and sacrifices are appreciated. Thank you #CStoneHeroes!
You are SO amazing!!!! Thank you for ALL that you have done and are continue to do! You are the heroes on the front lines. You are appreciated and highly respected. You are loved!!! Keep on keepin’ on!!!! Remember to practice self-care too!!! 😉
A huge thank you to everyone at the Adult and Child Outpatient Walk-in Clinic in Bradenton! You all ROCK and I’m so thankful to be part of such a great team of human beings!
Thanks for all you do!!! I am praying for your safety. Never lose heart!
The past few weeks have been incredibly challenging for everyone, but every single staff person I have talked to has been so kind, helpful, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep us delivering the care that our clients need. It’s been an honor!
Thank you to each person who continues to interact with and meet the needs of clients in a face-to-face capacity during this time. Your compassion and dedication are exemplified through your selfless service. We collectively see and appreciate you!
A huge shout out and thank you to the #CStoneHeroes at Florida who are working 24/7 to provide services at the Hospital, Outpatient, and in the Community. Their tireless dedication and commitment to providing care to our clients is amazing!
We are keeping you, your families, our clients and our client’s families in prayers. It is your dedication to the good of all that inspires us to know that our service is not just what we do but it is who we are. God Bless
Much gratitude and love go out to the front line employees. I am proud to be a part of the Centerstone family. I pray for out safety and the safety of our families and friends. And the entire world.
I want to say “THANK YOU” to all of our co-workers at the hospital and at the West location here in Florida!! It has been extremely challenging but they are ALL on top of every challenge that has come our way, we make a great team!! HSKP Dept.
The response to covid-19 from leadership was astounding and beautiful. Thanks to all who worked tirelessly to minimize barriers for clients and maximize care for employees and clients at the same time.
Thanks to all who are delivering care face to face. Please be safe!
Shout out to all of those new to working from home! It gets better!
Many thanks to management keeping us updated and motivated!
Much gratitude and love go out to the front line employees. I am proud to be a part of the Centerstone family. I pray for out safety and the safety of our families and friends. And the entire world.
I want to send a shout out to the Illinois Assertive Community Treatment Team! They have gone above and beyond to ensure essential services to clients such as food and medications are secured. #ACT
Each and every one …no matter your job….are to be commended and honored. Thank you for all that you do! May God Bless and Protect you and your family, friends, and loved ones.
Thank you for all you do! Stay Safe and wash your hands!!! <3 <3 <3
This woman calms the waters for Two FACT teams and Two CAT teams; all while doing the lions share of the nursing duties for 100 individuals. Her co-nurses have been on the team under six months. Alison is a CStone Hero. Non-bias and Impartial Trainer
Thank You is an understatement on how extremely appreciated you truly are! You are all SUPER STARS making a difference everyday! As a leader at this organization I am so proud to work with such dedicated staff who care so much for our clients!
We see you. We see your hearts. We see you changing lives daily! You are valuable and appreciated! We are for you and support you all! Words seem inadequate to express my heart for all you are doing.
I am really impressed with the Child and Family Team in Columbus Indiana! We all made huge efforts in working remotely and are meeting with our clients who need us.
Our manager has been stellar, updating and encouraging us often!
WOW & THANK YOU! The response to COVID-19, the level of selflessness & service has me absolutely floored! Clinicians, IT, Call Centers, Hospital folx, Maintenance, Research, Military Serv., Found., & more – EVERYONE is doing their part. Kudos & thx❤️
I feel privileged to work with so many #CStoneHeroes who are driven by actions that benefit our clients and make a profound impact on our community. Thank you for your courageous leadership.
Thank you to everyone on the frontlines making a difference for our clients.
I’m so grateful for the staff who are still on the front lines seeing patients face-to-face during this crisis. You are changing peoples lives! Thank you!!
I’m proud to work with so many #CStoneHeroes. We’ve dealt with a tremendous amount of change during the COVID-19 epidemic, but my co-workers continue to show their amazing commitment to our clients by being brave and positive in the face of crisis.
I wanted to say thank you to the Information Technology team. Especially the tech support folks over the phone and email. You all were able to make sure everyone had connectivity to their resources during this transition. Thank you!