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Mental Health Tips During COVID-19

In this new video, Dr. Jodie Robison, Executive Director of Centerstone’s Military Services, provides her suggestions for maintaining positive mental health during the coronavirus pandemic. A transcript of the video is below.

If was going to give anyone advice at this time that is related to mental health, I would say that I completely understand that it is difficult to participate in a quarantine. You have to really remain in the house or your apartment or wherever it is that you’re living, and you’re trying to socially isolate. So, some suggestions I would give are the following:

  1. Use your internet to connect with others
    Facetime with loved ones. You can do that in a group format so you it’s not just you and the other person. Maybe it’s a bunch of your peers, particularly as veterans, fellow veterans. Connecting in a group setting just to check on each other and or maybe ask for some tips about how they’re coping with being at home and being isolated from their usual activities.
  1. Meditate, do yoga, practice mindfulness
    You can download so many apps that are free, that don’t cost you a cent. You can download yoga apps, mindfulness apps, meditation apps, and they’re very helpful.
  1. Exercise
    Find a way to do some kind of exercise in the home as well and being veterans, I can imagine that you’re all very creative and you can make this happen very easily. It really does help your mental health, as you all know, so find some ways to burn some calories, do some exercise, connect with others and I think you’ll find that the time will pass with much more ease than if you didn’t.
  1. Ask for Help
    Lastly, don’t forget, please reach out for help if you need it. Again, we offer these services via telehealth. We’re always available. Give us a call. Email us. We can help.

Through this crisis, Centerstone remains fully operational and continuing to serve our clients and communities. As always, the health and well-being of our clients, staff and community stakeholders is our main priority. We have implemented system-wide strategies that reduce the risk of exposure while preparing us to respond effectively in the event the current threat level escalates. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure at this time, almost all appointments are being conducted via telephone or telehealth (video). For more information, please click here.


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