Social Services

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Our counselors provide mental health education and help with social skills, managing money, homelessness intervention, and prevention services.

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Social Services available for adolescents, adults and older adults

Our expert case managers, social workers and therapists are trained to help you and your families with:

  • developing social skills
  • engaging in learning and leisure activities with peers
  • managing money and bills
  • finding government aid and community assistance programs
  • providing mental health education

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More about Social Services

Homelessness Intervention

Our homelessness intervention services help individuals at risk of losing their housing stay in permanent housing and help individuals who are currently homeless regain...


Centerstone offers prevention services to children, teens and families in the areas of alcohol and drug use, depression, teen pregnancy and...

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1921 Ransom Place, Nashville, TN, 37217, US
Centerstone Alton Office