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Methods to prevent pregnancy and STIs

Contraception – also known as birth control – is any method used to reduce the chances of unplanned pregnancy. Some forms of contraception also reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Keep reading to learn about different types of birth control and how they work.

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The different types of birth control

Some forms of contraception act as a physical barrier to prevent sperm from meeting an egg, while others use hormones to prevent pregnancy. To choose the right contraceptive for you, talk to your healthcare provider. You can see your primary care provider or visit your local health department or family planning clinic.

Contraceptives that don’t require a prescription include:

Some prescription methods are no cost or low cost when covered by insurance or dependent on income.

  • Abstinence: This means not engaging in oral, anal or vaginal sex. With abstinence, there is no risk of pregnancy or STIs. It can be hard to maintain. Abstinence provides 100% protection against pregnancy and STIs.
  • External condoms (use every time): An external condom is a barrier method that collects semen and other fluids, preventing them from entering a person’s vagina. It protects against pregnancy and STIs. They’re free at your local health department. Condoms must be used correctly every single time. Condoms break down over time, so pay attention to the expiration date. They’re 98% effective with perfect use and 85% effective with typical use. They’re available over the counter.
  • Internal condoms (use every time): An internal condom is a barrier type of contraception (material much like an external condom) that is inserted into the vagina or anus before sexual intercourse. They can be inserted up to eight hours before sexual contact, help prevent pregnancy and don’t require a prescription. Internal condoms may cause skin irritation around the genitals, you must remember to use them every single time and it only protects against some STIs. With perfect use, they’re 95% effective and 79% effective with typical use.
  • Withdrawal method (use every time): This is the removal of the penis before ejaculation occurs in the vagina. This method is free and more effective when using another birth control method, such as a condom. The cons are you may not be able to withdraw in time, pre-ejaculate may still contain sperm and this method doesn’t offer protection against STIs. With perfect use, it’s 96% effective and with typical use, it’s 78% effective.
  • Spermicide (use every time): Spermicide comes in creams, gels, foams, films and suppositories that have chemicals to stop sperm from reaching an egg to fertilize. It doesn’t protect against STIs, must stay in place for six hours after intercourse and may cause irritation to the genitals. Spermicide is 71% effective when used alone and 97% effective when used with a condom.

Birth control methods that require a prescription include:

  • Pill (take daily): This is a monthly pack of hormonal birth control pills, prescribed by a doctor that must be taken once a day. It can help regulate the menstrual cycle, it may cause side effects (like headaches, nausea or weight gain) and doesn’t offer protection against STIs. With typical use, they’re 91% effective. With perfect use, they’re 99.7% effective.
  • Opill (take daily): This is a monthly pack of Progestin-only birth control pills that must be taken once a day. They can be purchased over the counter (without a prescription) and without an age restriction. At this time, over the counter birth control pills are not covered by insurance. Side effects may include weight gain, headaches, nausea and doesn’t offer protection against STIs. The progestin-only pill is 91% effective with typical use and 98% effective with perfect use.
  • Patch (replace weekly): A small patch placed on the body that releases hormones. It must be replaced weekly and you can still shower or swim normally with the patch on. The patch doesn’t protect against STIs and may cause skin irritation. With typical use, it’s 91% effective and with perfect use, it’s 99% effective.
  • Shot (get every 12 weeks): A short with hormones injected into the upper arm or buttocks every 12 weeks. It’s low-maintenance, can be injected at home after the first injection at the doctor’s office, and is effective one week after the first injection. It is usually not recommended for long-term use, doesn’t provide protection against STIs and may cause irregular periods. The effectiveness rate for perfect use is 99%.
  • Vaginal ring (replace monthly): A flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina and releases hormone. It provides nonstop protection against pregnancy if used correctly, may regulate menstrual cycles and reduce cramping, and is low-maintenance. It doesn’t offer protection against STIs and may cause vaginal discomfort, headaches or breast tenderness. It’s 91% effective with typical use and 99% effective with perfect use.
  • IUD (replace every three to 12 years): An intrauterine device is t-shaped and contains copper or progestin (hormone). It is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. It provides long-term protection against pregnancy, is effective immediately and is comfortable. It may cause a slightly higher risk of infection during the first month of use, may fall out or puncture the uterus (rare) and doesn’t provide STI protection. They are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.
  • Implant (replace every three to five years): A small, plastic-like rod is inserted under the skin of the upper arm that releases hormones. The implant provides long-term protection against pregnancy, can shorten or lighten periods and reduce cramps, and is low-maintenance. It may cause irregular periods, nausea headaches or weight gain. IT doesn’t protect against STIs. The implant is more than 99% effective.

Less common methods include:

  • Sponge (use every time): This is a small, round sponge that is made of soft, flexible plastic and contains spermicide. It can be inserted up to 24 hours before intercourse and is easily available. It must stay in place for six hours after intercourse, is less effective for women who have given birth and doesn’t protect against STIs. With typical use, it’s 80% effective and with perfect use, it’s 91% effective.
  • Diaphragm (use every time): A diaphragm is a dome-shaped silicone or latex cup with a flexible rim that’s inserted into the vagina before sexual contact. It can be inserted up to six hours before sexual contact, you can leave it in for up to 24 hours and multiple sexual encounters, and you can reuse it for up to a year. You must leave it in for six hours after intercourse, it may increase the risk of urinary tract infection or toxic shock syndrome, and doesn’t protect against STIs. It’s 88% effective with typical use and 94% effective with perfect use.
  • Cervical cap (use every time): A soft, dome-shaped silicone cup with a firm rim that can be used for up to 48 hours. You can use the same cap for up to a year with proper care between uses and can use it for up 48 hours. The cons are it may increase the risk of urinary tract infection and toxic shock syndrome, it’s less effective after giving birth, and it may move or shift during intercourse. The cap is 86% effective if a woman has never given birth and 71% effective if she has given birth.

Emergency contraception

The emergency contraception pill (sometimes called the “morning-after pill”) can reduce the chance of pregnancy after unprotected sex or if another method of birth control fails. Most options are available over the counter and don’t require a prescription. The pill must be taken within three to five days – the sooner it is taken, the more effective it is.

The copper IUD can also be used if inserted by a medical professional within five days of unprotected sex or birth control failure.

STI Prevention

The following methods are used to prevent STIs:

  • Abstinence
  • Condoms
  • Dental dams: A thin, flexible piece of latex that is placed over the genitals or anus before oral sex. It can easily be made by an unused condom and hard to find in stores.
  • PrEP, which stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis and is prescribed to people who are at risk for contracting HIV. This method only protects against HIV, not other STIs, and is best used with a barrier method. It must be taken daily.

Talk to your healthcare provider about which method is right for you.

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For more information about staying in charge of your health and future, visit:

A Step Ahead: How to access free LARC methods in Tennessee

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

HHS Office of Population Affairs

Planned Parenthood

Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships

HIV & Hepatitis

Talking with Youth & Young Adults about HIV and Hepatitis

Centerstone’s Prevention Services team is committed to facilitating effective communication to youth and young adults about the facts surrounding HIV and hepatitis.

HIV is caused by a  virus, and if left untreated, can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Many young people in the United States contract HIV by having sex or using IV drugs at an early age. Medications are available to help people with HIV live longer, healthier lives. However, there is no cure.

Hepatitis is a severe inflammation of the liver often caused by a virus such as hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), and hepatitis C (HCV). It can spread from contaminated food or water (HAV) and blood or bodily fluids (HBV and HCV). While HAV rarely requires treatment, HBV and HCV can require antiviral medications. Vaccines are available to help prevent HAV and HBV but not for HCV.

Many young people hear about HIV or hepatitis through the media, school lessons or from their friends. Often, things they “hear” about these conditions may not be completely accurate or factual. In this handbook, facts are provided about HIV and hepatitis transmission, symptoms, and risk factors along with helpful tips on how to discuss these sensitive topics with youth and young adults. Testing information and resource links are also provided with the ultimate goal of keeping everyone educated and safe when it comes to HIV and hepatitis.


HIV and Hepatitis Handbook

( English)
Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships


What happens during puberty?

Puberty is when your body develops into the body of an adult. While it may sometimes feel weird, awkward or scary, puberty is a totally normal and healthy part of being a preteen and teen. Curious about what to expect? Here are answers to frequently asked questions about puberty.

When will I go through puberty?

Most young people start puberty between ages 8 and 14, though some start earlier and others later. You’ll begin puberty at the time that’s right for your body.

What should I expect during puberty?

During puberty, you’ll experience both physical and emotional changes. Most occur gradually over time and don’t happen all at once. These changes include:

  • Growing hair around your genitals, under your arms and on your legs
  • Getting aches and pains in your arms and legs (also known as “growing pains”)
  • Sweating more and having body odor
  • Possibly getting pimples

If you were born with male reproductive organs, you may experience:

  • A deeper voice
  • Growth in your penis and testicles
  • Hair growth on your back, chest and face
  • Broader chest and shoulders
  • Possible nipple swelling for a few months or years
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If you were born with female reproductive organs, you may experience:

  • Your breasts developing and getting bigger
  • Starting your period
  • Your labia getting bigger and/or changing color
  • Your hips getting wider and your body becoming curvier

These changes may affect your body image and self-esteem But remember, while you may feel different, the whole process of puberty is completely natural.

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For someone that is intersex (variation in chromosomes and reproductive anatomy), you may experience puberty a little differently, you are not alone. Check out more information on puberty for intersex people and other resources.

For someone that is transgender, puberty can be even more worrisome and confusing. Check out this video from Amaze and express your concerns to a trusted adult and/or medical professional.

I hear a lot about hormones during puberty. What are they?

Hormones are chemicals in the brain that play a role in human reproduction and sexual growth. They also have other functions. During puberty, hormones cause physical, emotional, and sexual changes in the body. It’s normal to experience sexual feelings for the first time during puberty.

Everyone feels, expresses, and responds to sexual feelings differently. Some people may experience these feelings later in life or not at all. Learn more about gender, sexuality and expression.

What emotional changes should I expect during puberty?

While young people go through different physical changes during puberty depending on their reproductive organs, everyone experiences some of the same emotional changes. You may feel frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, confused and sometimes even depressed.

The best thing to do when you experience these feelings is to remind yourself that this is a normal part of puberty caused by an increase of new hormones in your body. It is important to understand that just because it is normal to experience these feelings, it doesn’t mean that you have to go through this time alone. Never be afraid to reach out to a trusted adult  when you feel sad, depressed, or lonely.

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What do I do once I start my period?

People who experience periods have many options to manage their menstruation every month, including:

  • Pads
  • Tampons
  • Period underwear
  • Menstrual cups

Finding the best option for you depends on your comfort with each product. It’s essential to read the directions for each method to make sure you use it correctly, safely and comfortably. You can also ask an adult you trust for advice.

What is PMS and what does it have to do with the period?

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a condition that a person with a uterus may experience one to two weeks before their period. Periods are a normal part of the menstrual cycle, and there are physical and emotional symptoms. Learn more about why periods occur, what to expect and how to manage symptoms of PMS .

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What about genital hygiene during puberty?

As your body changes, you may want to practice new genital hygiene habits.

Hygiene tips if you have a vagina:

  • DO NOT douche or use other scented “feminine hygiene” products. These products market cleaner, healthier vaginas, but they can cause vaginal irritation and/or infections.
  • DO wash the vulva with plain, unscented soap and water. You DO NOT need to clean the inside of your vagina—it already cleans itself.
  • DO wipe from front to back (vulva to anus) to help prevent the spread of germs.
  • DO wear cotton underwear and loose, breathable clothing.

Hygiene tips if you have a penis:

A person with a penis can clean their penis and testicles with regular soap while bathing. Some people may have a circumcised penis, which means the foreskin of their penis has been surgically removed. Others may have an uncircumcised penis, which means the foreskin of their penis is still intact. Both are normal.

A person with an uncircumcised penis should very gently pull the foreskin away from the tip of the penis, wash the tip of the penis as well as the inside of the foreskin with regular soap and water, and gently return the foreskin back over the penis.

Get more tips on how to maintain hygiene during puberty and beyond.

Puberty involves a lot of physical and emotional changes, but you’re not alone. Your friends and classmates likely have similar feelings, concerns and questions. Talk to an adult you trust about what you’re going through. They were in your shoes once and may have some helpful hints about how to navigate your teen years.  

Need more info? Ask an Expert.

Resources: Puberty: Is This Normal? Puberty

Planned Parenthood: Puberty

Planned Parenthood: Puberty: Genital Hygiene

Planned Parenthood: Puberty: Intersex


Amaze: Puberty and Transgender Youth

Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships


How to know if you’re in a healthy or unhealthy relationship

As a teenager, you probably have many relationships in your life. Some may feel fun and easy, while others may be more complicated. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of relationships, plus how to know if they’re healthy or unhealthy.
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Types of relationships

There are many different kinds of relationships. These include:

  • Family relationships: Family relationships can look different for everyone. Examples of these relationships can be parents/guardians, siblings, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
  • Friendships: Friends are people we like and choose to be around. They may be people who have similar interests, people you met at school or work, or those who live near you. Who you’re friends with can change over time as you grow and change.
  • Romantic relationships: Romantic relationships develop between people who are attracted to each other emotionally and/or sexually. These relationships also look different for everyone.
  • School relationships: You may have relationships with people at school, such as your teachers, classmates, principals, guidance counselors, administrators or nurses.
  • Other relationships: You may have different relationships that don’t fit into these categories. These may be with people you know, but with whom you don’t have an emotional connection.

Signs of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships

In each relationship, there can be red flags or green flags. Red flags are signs that the relationship may not be healthy or that something is wrong. Green flags are things that happen in your relationships that make you feel good about that person and yourself.

Examples of green flags:

  • Fair decision-making
  • Good communication
  • Good listener
  • Honesty
  • Nonjudgmental
  • Respects your boundaries
  • Supportive of your other healthy relationships

Examples of red flags:

  • Controlling behavior
  • Dishonesty/lying
  • Disrespectful to you or others
  • Domestic abuse (abuse that occurs in your home)
  • Emotional or verbal abuse (like verbal aggression, humiliation or intimidation)
  • Manipulation
  • Physical abuse (such as kicking, hitting or slapping)
  • Poor communication
  • Sexual abuse (any sexual conduct without your consent)

Can you spot the red and green flags in these scenarios?

What is Teen Economic Abuse (TEA)?

Teen Economic Abuse, a form of power imbalance in a relationship, consists of financial control to create dependency and block pathways to safety and wellbeing.

Economic abuse is a deliberate pattern of control in which individuals interfere with their partner’s education, employment, or financial resources.

Examples of Teen Economic Abuse:

  • Controlling their partner’s extra-curricular activities and classes, how much they study, and plans after graduation
  • Encouraging their partner to skip school to hang out with them and not prioritizing school work
  • Pressuring them to reciprocate gifts or favors with money, gifts, or sexual acts
  • Influencing a change in their career path or educational aspirations
  • Monitoring of cash transfer apps (Venmo, CashApp) to track their transactions, who they are with, etc.

TEA Resources

How to get out of an unhealthy relationship

You have a right to healthy relationships. If someone treats you poorly or exhibits these red flags, you can take steps to get out of that relationship. Here are strategies that can help:

  • Talk to someone, such as a trusted adult or close friend, about what’s happening.
  • If you choose to end the relationship, do so in a place that makes you feel safe. You can break up over the phone or in a public place. You can also bring friends or family with you if you’re concerned about your safety.
  • You don’t have to repeat your reasons for breaking up over and over. Calmly explain why you’re ending the relationship and then end the conversation.
  • Know that it’s normal to miss that person, even if the relationship was unhealthy or abusive. If you’re struggling, make a list of reasons to remind you of why you broke up with them. You can also talk to a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, coach or guidance counselor, for support.
  • Seek support from family and friends to help you feel safer and more confident.
  • If someone sends you harassing messages, save them in case you need to report them to local authorities.
  • Make your social media profiles private and ask your friends to do the same. Block anyone who harasses or threatens you.
  • Trust your gut instincts. If you feel unsafe, there’s probably a reason why. Don’t answer the door if the person shows up at your home, school or workplace. If you feel like you’re in immediate danger, call 911.

Remember, your relationships should make you feel good about yourself. If they don’t, it’s time for a change.
Need more info? Ask an Expert.


For more information about staying in charge of your health and future, visit:

Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships

Sexual health care

Sexual health care for teens

As a teen, it’s normal to have questions and concerns about sex, hormones and your changing body. Access to sexual health care is an important part of your overall health. Read on to learn more about your sexual health, where to get care, what questions to ask and what to expect during your visit.Need more info? Ask an Expert.

What is sexual health care?

Sexual health care includes services that promote your sexual and reproductive health. A sexual health care appointment can cover:

You can get this type of care with:

Do I need parental consent?

In some states, healthcare providers must obtain parental consent for a child (under the age of 18) to provide medical care. Some states have laws that allow minors to consent to care without parent/guardian permission (dependent on age). Every state is different, so if you’re concerned about privacy, call your provider’s office and ask if they’ll keep your information private and if you need permission from a parent/guardian to get testing or prescriptions.

If you use health insurance during your visit, the primary insurance holder (such as your parent/guardian) will get an explanation of benefits (EOB) that may show that insurance paid for testing or prescriptions, i.e. pregnancy test, STI test or prescribed birth control.

We encourage teens to talk to their parent/guardian(s) or trusted adult(s) about any health concerns and get their support when getting medical care.

You are in charge of your health! Seeking help and support can empower you to make healthy decisions now and in the future!

Find out your state’s policies or laws on sexual health.

Overview of Minors Consent Laws

** Laws are constantly changing, these sources may not be up to date on all state policies. **

What to expect during your sexual health care visit

When you first arrive at the office or clinic, you may be asked to fill out basic information (like your name, age, medical history and gender) and provide health insurance information. If you don’t have health insurance, some clinics and health departments offer care at little to no cost.

During the visit, you will see a health care provider, such as a doctor, nurse, physician assistant or nurse practitioner. They may ask you:

  • About your past and current sexual and reproductive history
  • What protection you use if you’re sexually active
  • If you’ve ever been tested or treated for a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • If you’ve ever received the HPV vaccine
  • If you have any medical issues or medication allergies
  • When your last period was and if you have irregular periods
  • If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs

During the visit, your provider may also:

  • Ask for a urine sample (where you pee in a cup)
  • Check your blood pressure and listen to your heart
  • Look at your genital area to make sure everything looks healthy
  • Perform a pelvic exam (if you have a vagina)
  • Give you a Pap test (if you have a cervix; this test is generally not done until you’re 21)
  • Examine your breasts
  • Examine your testicles or check for signs of testicular cancer (if you have testicles)

This visit is a good time to talk about any physical or mental health concerns you have, such as:

  • What contraception methods are available to you
  • If you should get tested for STIs
  • How to protect yourself from STIs
  • If you’re experiencing intense sadness or anxiety
  • If you think you may be pregnant
  • If you notice a lump in your breast or genital area
  • If you’ve been sexually assaulted or raped
  • If you don’t feel safe at home

What to do if you feel uncomfortable during your visit

While it’s normal to feel uncomfortable during this visit, know that your provider has likely heard it all before and is there to help you, not judge you. It’s essential to be open and honest with them so they can help you.

Some offices allow you to bring a family member, partner or friend with you. If that’s something you’d like to do, call ahead and ask if it’s possible.

If you have anxiety or concerns about a certain exam or procedure, ask your provider to explain it to you. Remember, even health care providers must ask for your consent before they touch you.

If your provider makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s OK to ask to see someone else or find another place to get care.

Need more info? Ask an Expert.


For more information about staying in charge of your health and future, visit:

CDC: A Teen-Friendly Reproductive Health Visit (PDF)

CDC: Get Tested: National HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Testing

Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships


How to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

If you have a sexual encounter – whether that’s vaginal (penis-in-vagina) sex, oral sex or anal sex – you could be at risk for a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Some STIs (like herpes and HPV) can even be spread from skin-to-skin contact, meaning you don’t have to “go all the way” to get them.

STIs are also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

While some STIs cause symptoms, others can live in your body without any signs. They can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex, race or sexual orientation. In 2018, there were 26 million new STIs in the United States. STIs are especially common in young people ages 15 to 24, accounting for nearly half of all new cases each year.

Keep reading to learn about the different STIs, how to prevent infection, symptoms to watch for and when to get tested. Need more info? Ask an Expert.

What are STIs?

Some STIs are curable; others are not. They can be caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses.

Curable STIs:

Bacterial and parasitic STIs can be cured with antibiotics. However, if left untreated, they can cause irreversible damage. These include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea (also known as “the clap”)
  • Syphilis
  • Pubic lice (also known as “crabs”)
  • Trichomoniasis (also known as “trich” or “trick”)

These infections can show symptoms, though many people may not experience any symptoms at all.

Incurable STIs:

Viral STIs cannot be cured with medication; however, these STIs are manageable through medication and treatment by a doctor. These include:

  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Herpes
  • Hepatitis B

Signs of STIs

Some STIs cause no symptoms; others can cause:

  • Rashes, sores or bumps in the genital area (on or around the vagina or penis)
  • Pelvic, back or abdominal pain
  • Unusual discharge from the vagina or penis
  • Burning or frequent urination

Left untreated, even curable STIs can cause permanent damage to the body like:

  • Infertility
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Cancer of the cervix, anus, throat or penis
  • Blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Liver damage
  • Brain damage
  • Death

Having an STI also makes you more susceptible to contracting HIV.

How to prevent STIs

The only 100% effective way to prevent STIs is to not have vaginal, anal or oral sex. If you choose to be sexually active, you should stay as safe as possible by using protection. Learn more about how to protect yourself from STIs.

You can also lower your risk of STIs by:

  • Having fewer sexual partners
  • Getting tested with your partner before becoming sexually active
  • Using condoms or dental dams
  • Getting the HPV vaccine, which can guard against certain strains of the virus, some of which can cause cancer and genital warts
  • Getting the Hepatitis B vaccine
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When to get tested for STIs

The only way to know if you have an STI is to get tested. Many people with STIs have mild or no symptoms. There’s no way to tell if someone has an STI just by looking at them. While some STIs can cause visible symptoms, others have no signs at all. Before you engage in sexual activity with someone, you should both get tested for STIs.

Your doctor’s office, local health department or a family planning clinic should offer STI testing. Visit the CDC’s website to find a free testing location near you.

Do I need parental consent for an STI test?

In some states, healthcare providers must obtain parental consent for a child (under the age of 18) to provide medical care. Some states have laws that allow minors to consent to care without parent/guardian permission (dependent on age). Every state is different, so if you’re concerned about privacy, call your provider’s office and ask if they’ll keep your information private and if you need permission from a parent/guardian to get testing or prescriptions.

If you use health insurance during your visit, the primary insurance holder (such as your parent/guardian) will get an explanation of benefits (EOB) that may show that insurance paid for testing or prescriptions, i.e. pregnancy test, STI test or prescribed birth control.

We encourage teens to talk to their parent/guardian(s) or trusted adult(s) about any health concerns and get their support when getting medical care.

You are in charge of your health! Seeking help and support can empower you to make healthy decisions now and in the future!

Find out your state’s policies or laws on sexual health.

Overview of Minors Consent Laws

** Laws are constantly changing, these sources may not be up to date on all state policies. **

Need more info? Ask an Expert.

STI/STD Resources

For more information about staying in charge of your health and future, visit:

Centerstone Sexual Healthcare

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Get Tested

CDC: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sex, Etc.


Home / Teen / Sex and Relationships

Teen Pregnancy

What you need to know about teen pregnancy

If you’re a teenager and are sexually active or thinking about having sex, you may be wondering how pregnancy happens and what you can do to prevent it. Or perhaps you think you or your partner may already be pregnant and you may feel scared, overwhelmed or worried about what to do. If so, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn how pregnancy occurs, how to prevent getting pregnant and what to do if you think you may be pregnant.

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What causes pregnancy?

During vaginal sex (where the penis enters the vagina), it’s possible for pregnancy to occur. It’s also possible to get pregnant if semen gets on the vulva or near the vagina.

For pregnancy to happen, sperm must meet an egg. Here’s how that works:

  • In a biological male, sperm is made in the testicles and combines with other fluids to make semen, which is released from the penis during ejaculation.
  • Eggs live in the ovaries of biological females. Each month during a menstrual cycle, a mature egg is released from the ovaries (this process is called ovulation). The egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
  • If semen gets into the vagina, sperm can travel to the fallopian tubes and potentially fertilize the egg, which can lead to pregnancy.
  • Sperm can live in a uterus and fallopian tubes for up to six days after sex, so fertilization can occur up to six days after sex.
  • If the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fertilized egg will move into the uterus, where it divides into more cells and eventually attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Once this happens, pregnancy officially starts.

If a fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus, this keeps the lining of the uterus from shedding, which is why periods stop while someone is pregnant.

Later in life, some adult couples may need some assistance from their medical team to have children on their own; there are still options for these couples. Doctors can help a pregnancy to occur via artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

How to prevent teen pregnancy

The only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy is to not engage in vaginal sex. The only 100% effective way to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to not participate in sexual activity that involves skin-to-skin touching with another person or where body fluids are involved.

If you plan to have sex, it’s important to protect yourself and your partner from pregnancy and STIs. Use a condom to reduce your risk of pregnancy and STIs and another method to prevent pregnancy (like the pill, patch or an IUD). Learn about your contraception options.

Early signs of pregnancy

If you’re worried you or your partner may be pregnant, here are the most common early signs of pregnancy:

  • Missing your period (some spotting could still occur and in rare cases, a menstrual cycle can continue during pregnancy)
  • Bloating
  • Feeling tired
  • Nausea or throwing up
  • Peeing more often than usual
  • Constipation
  • Swollen or tender breasts
  • Backaches
  • Headaches
  • Aversions to certain foods

Sometimes, these symptoms are caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS). To know for sure if you’re pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test (which you can buy at most pharmacies or grocery stores or your local health department or Planned Parenthood clinic) or see your doctor to get tested.

What to do if you think you may be pregnant

If you’re a teen and think you or your partner may be pregnant, you may be feeling scared and overwhelmed. First, know that you’re not alone. Many other teens have felt the way you do and have been in your shoes.

  • Seek support from an adult. Talk to a family member, teacher, school nurse, guidance counselor, coach or another trusted adult in your life.
  • Get tested. Next, it’s important to find out if you’re pregnant or not. You can take a home pregnancy test or get tested at your doctor’s office, health department or local Planned Parenthood clinic. Bring a support person with you if you can.
  • Be honest with your healthcare provider. You may feel awkward and that’s OK and totally normal. Your provider has seen and heard it all before, so feel free to ask questions and express your concerns.
  • Know your rights. If you feel uncomfortable with your doctor or nurse, it’s OK to ask to see someone else or find another place to get care. You have a right to receive healthcare without judgment.

If you’re pregnant, your healthcare provider will discuss your options with you. And if you aren’t pregnant, you can talk about birth control options to reduce your chances of pregnancy.

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