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Cohen Clinic at Centerstone Celebrates Month of the Military Child With Community Partners

Month of the Military Child is here, and the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone in Fayetteville, N.C. joined with local community partners to celebrate!
The clinic team began the month by pausing to take a Month of the Military Child photo, which was shared on our social media channels as part of a Cohen Veterans Network-wide #PurpleUp Day on April 15.
Outreach Director, Sharjuan Burgos, led the clinic’s efforts in supporting the Cumberland County-Fort Bragg Month of the Military Child (MoMC) Coalition Virtual Celebration, Monday, April 12 through Friday, April 16, 2021.
The event was made possible thanks to several coalition partners and community organizations who came together to celebrate the resiliency of military children and families, including Rick’s Place, Cumberland County Schools, The Mo You Know, Military Child Education Coalition, the Fayetteville Woodpeckers and the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone, Fayetteville, N.C.
Event preparation began with resource fair kit assembly at the Cohen Clinic on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9. Organizations from the region pooled together information and giveaways to make the resource kits possible.
Then, the week-long celebration kicked off Monday, April 12 with Kidcreate Studio’s Messy Monday. Following daily events included a Virtual Scavenger Hunt, Social Media Video Messages Campaign, Drive-Thru Resource Fair and a community #PurpleUp Day. Details of each day’s events could be found on the Facebook page of Community Blueprint (@CommunityBlueprintFtBragg).
Our Cohen Clinic Outreach Director even created a Month of the Military Child Calendar to help families create fun, memorable moments throughout the month to celebrate their military children, together. The calendar was shared on our clinic’s social media channels.
The Cohen Clinic at Centerstone in Fayetteville understands that when a military parent serves, the entire family serves, especially military kids. We are proud to support our community partners in showing appreciation to military families and children this month and all-year long through mental health counseling for the entire family. We’re here for you! Contact us, today, at (910) 500-1800.