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Cohen Clinics at Centerstone Honor Fallen Heroes

Wreaths Across America has three missions – remember, honor and teach. This year, three Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics at Centerstone embraced these missions. Tennessee, Florida and North Carolinas Cohen Clinics at Centerstone joined forces with this heartwarming national effort and put their best foot forward to not only remember those who have served and passed, but to also pay tribute to them this holiday season and hopefully, encourage others to pass on this honorable tradition to future generations.
Each December, on Wreaths Across America Day, military families, caring individuals and organizations around the country ensure our fallen heroes graves are decorated and their sacrifices acknowledged for the holidays with a simple wreath that symbolizes so much more.
“It is such as simple gesture, but it’s not,” Sharjuan Burjos, outreach director at the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone in Fayetteville, NC, said. “Our country’s freedoms were never free. Our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much to ensure our way of life. I, for one, am proud and honored to be a part of this day that recognizes their selflessness and I know my fellow teammates in TN, and FL, are sharing my feelings right now.”
Burjos’ colleagues agreed with her testament. Each clinic team embraced Wreaths Across America’s missions whole heartedly and were on hand to lay wreaths in each of their respective locations.
“Those who gave so much for our freedoms not only deserve, but have earned our gratitude,” Meghan Williams, outreach director at the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone in Clarksville, TN said. “Our veterans and military families have paid prices for our freedoms that cannot be easily explained, but because of these sacrifices we celebrate our holidays, embrace our traditions and are able to do so because of their of life of service. A wreath on a hero’s grave is a small thank you, but we hope it is an unspoken thank you that says more than we can.”
“Watching families, loved ones and friends of veterans unite to show their appreciation for our nation’s heroes today warmed my heart,” Brigadier General (ret.) Michael Fleming, outreach director at the Cohen Clinic at Centersone in Jacksonville, FL, said. “It is an honor to serve our nation and I have no doubt those who came before us would be grateful that we remembered them in this way.”
Wreaths were distributed in Resthaven Memorial Gardens in TN, Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery and the 3D SFG (A) Memorial Walk in NC, as well as St. Augustine National Cemetery in St. Augustine, FL.