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How social workers help people

two women sitting on couch, one on phone

Social workers are trained professionals who specialize in improving the quality of life and well-being of others. They do so through direct practice, crisis intervention, research, policy, advocacy, social justice and more.

Social workers always focus on how they can make people’s lives better. They view the world through a strength-based lens, meaning they can always see the potential in others, no matter how dark life may seem for them. They see hope even when others might think a situation is hopeless. The light they shine is essential to making the world a better place.

Where social workers operate

Social work intersects with practically every area of life. You can find social workers in advocacy, aging, child welfare, disabilities care, mental health, criminal justice, substance use care, policy, school social work settings and much more. If you have been involved in any of these areas, you have likely come across several social workers. And without social workers, all of these areas would suffer or be nearly nonexistent.

At Centerstone, we recognize the importance of all of our social workers. From law enforcement assistance, to child welfare, to clinical mental health care, our social workers are dedicated to serving our clients and communities at large. In fact, social workers make up the largest group of mental health service providers in the United States.

How social workers help

Social workers provide a wide range of services depending on their work setting. A few examples are mental health and grief counseling, 911 call intervention, mediation, child and family support, career assistance, hospice care and social justice advocacy. They focus on stress management, recovery, mental fortitude, strengthening family bonds, advocating for children and caring for those who need it most. In everything they do, their goal is to help you live a more beautiful life.

A social worker from Centerstone shared this testimony from her time in social work: “I once counseled a teenage girl who ran away from home. After several individual and family therapy sessions, I realized she fled because she was being sexually and physically abused. I advocated for her to receive the care she needed and contacted Child Protective Services (CPS). She moved into her grandparent’s home, and her abuser was tried and convicted. If I or any other social worker was not there to intervene, she may have remained in the cycle of abuse for her entire adolescent life.”

It is evident that social work is completely essential. We know that we would not be as successful without all the care that our social workers give to those we serve, and we hope you can recognize the essential work they do for others.

If you are having trouble dealing with life’s challenges, Centerstone is here to help. Call us at 1-877-HOPE123 (877-467-3123) or visit Centerstone’s Counseling page for more information. 

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