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Raising Awareness of Mental Health Concerns ‘All Together’

Sherr’s contribution titled “Hot Topics in Mental Health” included an overview of the Cohen Veterans Network, services provided and how the clinics can assist veterans and their families across the state of Florida and beyond.
“We were honored to be a part of this series,” Sherr said. “NAMI is a valuable partner in our mission to ensure military families in need know they are never alone. Together, we are sharing this message and we are grateful for their support.”
The Virtual Speaking series isn’t over. In fact, in an effort to fulfill NAMI’s commitment to assisting communities across Florida by providing education, advocacy, and support groups for people with mental illnesses and their loved ones, mental health organizations and speakers across the state will be continuing the virtual Saturday events through February 13th, 2021.
“NAMI and the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone, as well as our fellow network clinics around the country and Centerstone as a whole, truly share a passion for supporting those impacted by mental illness and it shows,” Sherr said. “Our organization is staffed with team members that understand how mental illness impacts lives. This informative virtual series is further proof of our commitment to easing those burdens and helping those who struggle thrive.”
Registration is complimentary for all registrants and following each event, all programs will be archived on the NAMI Florida website. Once registered for the series, registrants can access the recorded video after each monthly event is aired. To register for this event, or view past events included in this series, click the link below.