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Suicide Prevention Awareness: We Will Continue the Fight

The phrase “We Will Never Forget” is at the forefront of our minds this month as we remember the anniversary of the events of September 11th. This phrase will forever have significance and prominence in our lives. September additionally brings to the forefront of our awareness Suicide Prevention and the question may be asked what does September 11th and suicide prevention have in common?
It has in common that many were lost to unbelievable tragedy, that many who survived 9/11 later lost their lives in combat defending our country, and it has in common that many lost their lives fighting silently the mental and emotional effects that 9/11 has continued to have by suicide.
We at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone strive to continue the fight with those of our military community who are effected every day. We strive to welcome you to treatment, to sit with you, beside you, and fight along with you the journey to healing and hope.
We will continue to strive for healing to honor those who have died by suicide and to ensure that this community knows we are a place willing to continue the fight.
If you are a veteran or military family member who could use additional support during these times, please know our doors are open. To make an appointment call our offices at (877) 463-6505. Together there is hope and healing.