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Together in Arms

One day, six branches of service and millions to honor. Saturday, May 15 we celebrate all those who have and currently do wear the uniforms of our armed forces, selflessly giving of themselves to protect our freedoms.
Armed Forces Day was first recognized in May 1950 as a way to pay tribute to all U.S. military service members and unite them under the Department of Defense. It has since been celebrated the third Saturday in May every year to show appreciation for those who have defended our nation at home and abroad whether by air, land or sea.
It is a day to dress in red, white and blue. A day to thank a veteran or service member. A day to give back for their sacrifices and a day to fly the flag proudly.
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy remarked on the day with words that continue to resonate, “Our servicemen and women are serving throughout the world as guardians of peace–many of them away from their homes, their friends and their families. They are visible evidence of our determination to meet any threat to peace with measured strength and high resolve. They are also evidence of a harsh but inescapable truth–that the survival of freedom requires great cost and commitment, and great personal sacrifice.”
For these efforts and the bravery demonstrated to pursue them, we owe our deepest gratitude. From all of us at the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone, thank you to our veterans, and military personnel here and around the world.