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Violence & Bullying


Bullying comes in a variety of forms. Sometimes violence and bullying are very obvious, and other times it’s not so easy to see. In this section we’ll discuss the types of bullying from physical and verbal violence to cyberbullying. You can also find tips for taking action when you see bullying taking place.

  • Bullying – You may wonder why people bully others. What would cause someone to be so mean? Well, there are many reasons why people bully.
  • Cyber Bullying – The best way to stop cyberbullying, which is the same as bullying but done online, is to eradicate it before it starts. Using technology to bully is a problem that’s on the rise. 
  • Peer Pressure – A young person’s need to be accepted virtually overrides every other facet of their life. It’s imperative teens know how to identify peer pressure–both positive and negative.
  • Take Action – It’s how you stop bullying in its tracks. 

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