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Local Insurance Company Helping Ensure Military Families Receive the Care they Deserve

Shelter Insurance recently donated $1,000 to support the mission of the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone. Shelter Insurance’s donation will ensure the clinic is able to continue to provide compassionate, individualized, confidential mental health care for post 9/11 veterans and their loved one regardless of their ability to pay. In today’s circumstances that may be more important than ever.
Clarksville agent Tim Shanks said that when he heard that his company was looking to support local organizations, he knew immediately the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone would be a wonderful choice.
“This pandemic has affected us all in so many ways,” Shank said. “The challenges that military families face are already difficult, but when you add in the struggles that social distancing has caused they become even more troublesome. We want to ensure that our military families know they are not alone and the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone shares that mission.”
“Taking care of our mental health should always be considered critical,” Lisa Eggebeen, Cohen Clinic at Centerstone Regional Director said. “However, in today’s trying times it may be even more vital. We are grateful for Shelter Insurance’s generous gift and are honored to continue to be there for our military families.”