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Making Marriage Work for Military Families

The word is out – military families are getting stronger thanks to a little help from the two caring clinicians inside the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone.
In a time when nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone is using technology to help couples realize their happily ever after’s. Therapists at the Cohen Clinic, located at 775 Weatherly Drive in Clarksville, recently made it easier to nurture these relationships by breaking down the time and geography barriers to care by offering marriage workshops live online.
For many families finding time to do just about anything outside the norm of already hectic schedules can be daunting. From the moment they wake up in the morning, it’s “go time.” Work, errands, household chores and, if children are in the picture, a myriad of other life responsibilities to fit into a mere 24 hours.
For military families the additional responsibilities both within and outside of the household can make day-to-day life just that much harder. And, yet, although each of these obligations is important and necessary, so is caring for the marriage that keeps it all afloat.
Licensed Clinician Julie Adams and Dr. King Counts recognized this and decided to put their passion for helping couples succeed online.
“We understand that physically getting to any appointment takes planning and time, especially for some of our military families. Yet, taking care of our marriage is vital for its success.” Adams explained. “We hope that by offering these interactive workshops both onsite and live online, we’re able to share valuable lessons with those who otherwise may not be able to get to the clinic each week.”
After this fall’s most recent iteration of the eight-week interactive workshops it would appear the time consideration and worthwhile lessons are making a difference in the lives of those who attend. According to a survey administered at the workshop’s end, couples are once again thriving. 100 percent of participants rated the “Hold Me Tight Marriage Classes” excellent or great and all agreed being able to attend in person or online was beneficial. Additionally, all participants noted the material and lessons covered were also excellent or great.
“It is so wonderful to watch couples evolve and grow together after learning and practicing the tools we share in sessions. I am truly grateful to witness their bonds strengthen,” Dr. Counts said.
Adams and Counts plan to hold the “Hold Me Tight Marriage Workshop” again from January 29 to March 18. Sessions will take place on Wednesday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. For more information or to register, visit signupforms.com/registrations/21225.