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Military Family Clinic Opens Doors for Community Art Show

The Cohen Clinic at Centerstone will be transformed into an art gallery Saturday and Sunday, August 28th and 29th as staff members salute local military artists by highlighting their talents and inviting the community to share in the effort.
The clinic officially opened its doors in 2018. Now, in honor of a tradition that began in year one, team members plan to celebrate in an artistic fashion.
“Many of our clients utilize creative outlets to help them heal. In many ways, art is simply that, an avenue to express what someone is feeling inside and to heal by sharing it outside,” Meghan Williams, the clinic’s Outreach Director explained. “We are honored to host Arts for Hearts events here in the clinic on a regular basis, where we get to see this first hand. It’s one of the reasons we wanted to do something unique for our anniversary. So, to mark our first year in town, we held an art show to celebrate. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on artists’ faces and on patrons’ that were awed by their work. We knew we had to make the show a tradition and we couldn’t be happier.”
The show promises to display pieces created by veteran and family member artists in a variety of mediums and artistic expressions. Many of the works will also be available for auction during the show with a portion of the proceeds helping to ensure the nonprofit clinic is able to continue to provide Veterans and their families with the care they have so rightly earned.
“We never want to see a Veteran or a family member go without the care they need and believe cost should not be a barrier to receiving that care,” Regional Director of the Cohen Clinics at Centerstone, Lisa Eggebeen said. “Through philanthropic efforts like the Community Art Show we are able to provide services to those who otherwise not be able to afford the help they’ve sacrificed for.”
Doors open to the show on Saturday, August 28th at 10am and remain open until 4pm, then again on Sunday, August 29th from 12pm – 3pm.
Be sure to check out the art show’s official website, www.cohenartshow.com where you can find out more about the Cohen Clinic at Centerstone Community Art Show and bid on some of this year’s entries through our new online auction.