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You Can Combat Depression – Anytime Of Year

The holiday season is upon us.
Before you know it, you may find yourself gathered around the dinner table with loved ones to enjoy food, fun and festivities.
For some, this is a wonderful time of year for reconnecting. Holiday togetherness doesn’t make everyone happy, though, and instead leads to stress and friction.
Sadly, there’s another group who find this time of year as a sad, lonely time. They find the holidays as a time when their mood begins to fizzle. They’re constantly being reminded of the joy and fun they should be having. Instead, they find themselves alone and missing the ones who are no longer with us.
Nationwide, 5% of adults under the age of 60 suffer from depression; however, in seniors and disabled adults, the rate is 5.7%.
Major life changes among older and disabled adults – loss of independence, physical health problems, feelings of isolation, and the death of a partner or other close friends and family members – occur more frequently and can become strong contributing factors to depression.
To learn more about ways Centerstone can help you, or a loved one, with depression, please check out this informative article on recognizing and understanding depression.