Home / News & Events / Addiction / Centerstone distributed more than 100 Narcan kits at July event

Centerstone distributed more than 100 Narcan kits at July event

Centerstone, in collaboration with Egyptian Health Department, distributed more than 100 Narcan kits. These kits were distributed during their free Narcan distribution event on Friday, July 15. The event was free and open to the public.

“Anyone who is at risk of having or witnessing an opioid overdose, or who spends time with people who use opioids should consider carrying Narcan on them,” said Samuel Stearns, Centerstone Community Development Representative. “In my opinion, everyone should have a Narcan kit because you never know when you will need to save a life.”

Every year in Illinois more than 2,000 people die from an opioid overdose. NARCAN is an FDA-approved medication that can help reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in just minutes.

Centerstone provides free Narcan kits Monday-Friday at their MAT Clinics: 2615 Edwards Street in Alton and 202 S. Bentley in Marion.

For more information, please contact Samuel Stearns at samuel.stearns@centerstone.org.

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