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TAKE ACTION: Today’s Push for Support for Part 2 Legislation

On Wednesday, June 20, the Opioid Prevention and Patient Safety Act (OPPS Act) (H.R.6082) will go to the House floor for a full House vote. Centerstone has encouraged you to reach out to your representatives to make your support for the OPPS Act known and today, the final push is on.
This is your last chance to persuade Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote in favor of this bill, so we urge you to call your representatives today to urge them to vote in favor of H.R.6082. Centerstone’s policy team continues to reach out to members within the Centerstone footprint to encourage our legislators to support this bill.
Here is some background on the bill and pointers on how to reach out to your Representatives this week.
What the Bill Will Do:
The bipartisan OPPS Act would function to align 42 CFR Part 2 (Part 2) with HIPAA’s consent requirements for the purposes of treatment, payment, and healthcare operations (TPO). This would finally permit federally assisted SUD providers (like Centerstone) to have access to the full patient record. Additionally, it would allow federally assisted SUD providers to share their patients’ SUD records with other covered entities in order to ensure their patients receive safe, integrated, and whole-person care.
Context For the Bill:
The Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records rule – 42 CFR Part 2 – is a regulation created in the 1970’s to protect the confidentiality of an individual’s substance use records. The rule prevents federally assisted providers from seeing an SUD patient’s full medical record unless that patient signs a separate written release. As such, Part 2 prevents providers from systematically treating OUD/SUD patients in reliance on complete and accurate patient histories. Today, SUD is the only condition not governed by HIPAA. In moving towards more robust integrated care models where every member of a patient’s treatment team needs to understand a patient’s full medical/SUD history, Part 2 stands as a hindrance to whole-person, safe care.
What You Can Do:
Call your Congressional Members today, and/or post on social media!
To contact your Member of Congress, call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with your Representative’s office. You do not need to know their names — you can simply provide the switchboard with the state you live in and the zip code. Ask to speak to the Legislative Assistant that handles health care issues. Once they pickup, or you get voicemail, you can use this sample statement:
“Hello. My name is (name, city you live in, place you work (if applicable)) and I’m calling to ask the Congressman/Congresswoman to please cosponsor H.R. 6082, the Opioid Prevention and Patient Safety Act, and vote yes on the bill in the upcoming floor vote. The bill will align 42 CFR Part 2 with HIPAA. This will reduce stigma by treating addiction like all other illnesses, allow for care coordination and integration of treatment, and improve outcomes. Thank you.”
If your Congressperson is on this list, please use this sample statement:
“Hello. My name is (name, city you live in, place you work (if applicable)) and I’m calling to Thank the Congressman/Congresswoman for cosponsoring H.R. 6082, the Opioid Prevention and Patient Safety Act. I encourage the Congressman/Congresswoman to continue leading the charge on this bill, as it will allow for true care coordination and integration of treatment, and improve patient outcomes. Thank you.”
If you want to spread the word through social media, here are some talking points:
- 99 Organizations Call for House Passage of Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act (#OPPS) Act, #HR6082. Read more about the Partnership to Amend 42 CFR Part 2: https://buff.ly/2sYCNU3
- Help combat the #opioidcrisis and reduce barriers to safe effective treatment. Vote YES on #HR6082, Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act (#OPPS Act) Read the bill: https://rules.house.gov/bill/115/hr-6082.
- Support integrated patient-centered #healthcare. Vote YES on #HR6082, Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act (#OPPS Act) Read the bill: https://rules.house.gov/bill/115/hr-6082.
- Vote YES to #HR6082 and help end the #opioidcrisis. Read the bill: https://rules.house.gov/bill/115/hr-6082
Hashtags: #HR6082 #healthcare #OPPS #OpioidCrisis