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Spring Clean Your Environment

Spring is a season of rebirth and change – and also lots of scrubbing, dusting, and washing, otherwise known as spring cleaning. If you are feeling overwhelmed by stacks of who knows what – the stuff clogging your closet, or the mess you try to sweep under the rug– it may be time to look at your level of clutter, in your home and in your mind.
The clutter we’re retaining in our life can be stifling our motivation and inspiration. Removing the useless junk surrounding us can actually improve our outlook and reduce stress and anxiety. The physical exercise can bring with it mental and physical health benefits as well.
These tips can serve you well.
Quiet your mind
Make it a point to carve out a few minutes every day to still your mind and just breathe. When your brain is constantly processing information, you don’t give it the opportunity to recharge and reflect. Meditating, or decluttering the mind, is proven to improve concentration and memory. By taking even just a few minutes a day to temporarily quiet your mind, you’ll take on the remainder of your day with a clearer, focused outlook.
Digitally detox
A cluttered digital world, just like a cluttered natural world, can lead to a life of stress and anxiety. An overload of online accounts and unread messages can overwhelm even the best multitaskers. To prevent feeling buried or pulled in too many directions at once, set aside time each day to fully unplug: turn off your screens during family time, or dedicate the hour before you go to sleep to a conversation with your spouse or to finishing a chapter in a book. Just a small amount of “off” time can truly reduce the noise in your life and help you focus.
Clean up your relationships
Quality means much more than quantity when it comes to relationships, and it’s important to identify who in your life makes you happy and who does not. Many of us hold on to friendships and romantic relationships long after they’ve run their course. So if you have connections that aren’t adding joy to your life and making you feel good about yourself, it may be time to let them go. All relationships suffer through rough patches, but take action and make a change if you’ve found that yours has been bringing you down for a long period of time. It’s not always easy, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.
Remove physical clutter
When it comes to actual clutter, the toughest part is finding where to begin.
First, define your “clutter” and then start the attack. Is clutter a stack of useless magazines, out of fashion shoes, inherited furniture, or old and broken toys? What does this clutter represent? Is it self-doubt, shame, or a giant barrier to achieving your goals?
Clutter can actually cause a suffocating feeling. Not only does it cause embarrassment and keep us from socializing at home, but it can also rob us of our dreams. Therefore, anything that does not add value to our life can be characterized as clutter.
Here are five true or false questions to help assess your clutter control:
# 1 True or False: I have at least one broken item lying around.
Tip: Fix it or chuck it. We often hold on to broken items in hopes they will simply become workable on their own. This can be true of bad relationships and environments as well. We don’t want to toss them because they have value – when they work. Broken things do not fix themselves. If it’s not honestly fixable and it is not adding value, allow yourself to remove it from your life.
# 2 True or False: I can get organized if I absolutely HAVE to.
Tip: Pretend you are planning for a party. Get into gear and make your space shine as if you’re hosting guests. Doing so is a “mind choice,” not a “mood choice,” and you have the ability to control this. In the end, you will have a clutter-free home to enjoy just for yourself and your family!
# 3 True or False: Wealthy people accumulate more things.
Tip: Think Green – Eliminate the excess and replace it with real rewards. You do not have to be wealthy to collect more stuff than you need. And, having more stuff does not mean you are more successful. Be more involved in your personal relationships and collect memories, not meaningless stuff.
# 4 True or False: My closet is like my diary.
Tip: Separate your story from your stuff. Accept that things do not define you and that items are things, not memories. Some people are hesitant to clear out a closet, or garage or even their house because they feel their stuff represents who they are as a person. Set these things free, knowing that you can hold onto the memories without them.
#5 True or False: My to-do list keeps me up at night
Tip: Let your bedroom be a tranquil and peaceful retreat. Remove any work-related items from your sleeping space. De-cluttering is especially important in your bedroom. It is estimated that over 50-70 million Americans suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders. Stress is a major contributing factor to these disorders so eliminating clutter around your bed can help to remove the reminders of things you need to do. This is especially important in today’s COVID world. Try to separate your workspace from your relaxation space to stay better organized.
If you find you are unable to tackle your clutter or other things that are keeping you from attaining your life goals, it may be because of other underlying issues. Depression and addictions, for example, can keep people locked in a life of immobility and separation from reality. Speaking with a professional can help you tear down the barriers to good emotional health.
If you need help decluttering your mind and feeling more at peace, Centerstone is here to help. Call us at 1-877-HOPE123 (877-467-3123) or visit centerstoneconnect.org to get connected with care.