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Centerstone’s Becky Stoll Wins Dorothea Dix Community Service Award

Becky Stoll

Centerstone is pleased to announce Becky Stoll, Vice President for Crisis and Disaster Management, has won the 2018 Dorothea Dix Community Service Award presented by the Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations (TAMHO).

Named for the person TAMHO describes as “the most important force ever in bringing the issue of mental health to the public forum,” the Dorothea Dix Community Service Award honors outstanding professionalism in behavioral health, recognizing significant contributions made over an extended period.

Becky has spent three decades providing behavioral health care to those in greatest need, leading crisis and suicide prevention efforts on local, national and international levels. She deployed Centerstone staff to New York after 9/11 and Louisiana after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, and she worked in China following the 2008 tsunami. After the 2010 flooding in Nashville, she worked with FEMA on the Tennessee Recovery Project to aid flood survivors who needed emotional support.

Stoll also built the team at Centerstone that handles incoming calls to nine 24/7 crisis hotlines, including Tennessee Hopeline, NFL Life Line and the National Suicide Prevention Line. Most recently, she has played a key role in transforming the larger state of behavioral health care as a member of the Zero Suicide Advisory Group; in 2018, her work was highlighted on CNN and in USA Today, and she presented suicide prevention methods at summits in England, Belgium and Holland.

“We’re all very proud of Becky’s remarkable work over the years and the innovative efforts she continues to lead in crisis care and suicide prevention,” said Dr. Bob Vero, Centerstone’s Tennessee Regional CEO. “She truly serves her local and global community well, changing and saving lives.”


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