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Trauma Informed System of Care Conference in Illinois

Speakers have been announced and registration is now open for the Trauma Informed System of Care Conference, co-hosted by Centerstone, a national leader in behavioral health care. The conference will be held on Saturday, May 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at John A. Logan College’s main conference center in Carterville, IL.
Register online (in the dropdown under “Learners,” click on “Conferences.” For more information, contact Nicole Tippy or call (855) 608-3560 ext. 7855 or Ginger Meyer or visit the conference’s Facebook Event.
This conference will deepen the level of understanding about adverse childhood experiences, the prevalence of toxic stress and the lifetime consequences violence, abuse, neglect and other adversities can have across generations.
“The overall goal of the conference is to bring different serving professionals together,” said Niki Grajewski, Clinic Manager at Centerstone. “By design a System of Care Approach asks community agencies to collaborate, communicate, and facilitate together a change in a serving system. It can connect various participants through programming, financing, and philosophy in how to provide services.”
National/international speakers will discuss trauma informed practices for child welfare, legal and law enforcement, faith communities, schools, foster care, primary care/medical settings, addiction and trauma focused behavioral health treatment. Speakers include:
- David L. Corwin, MD, Professor and Director of Pediatrics’ Forensic Services at the University of Utah Department of Pediatrics.
- Victor Vieth, JD, Director of Education and Research for the Zero Abuse Project. He is also the president of the Academy on Violence and Abuse and Founder of the Gundersen Nation Child Protection Training Center.
- Machelle Madsen Thompson, Ph.D., LCSW, director of the Resilience & Protective Factor Initiative at Florida State University Multidisciplinary Center.
- Susie Wiet, MD, an integrative developmental psychiatrist with expertise in holistic treatment of trauma-addiction, dual diagnosis, and complex psychiatric disorders.
- Shannon Robshaw, MSW, the Senior Advisor for System Design and Implementation for the National TA Network for Children’s Behavioral Health and the System Design and Implementation Coach for the National Wraparound Implementation Center.
Partnering with Centerstone are Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine, Shawnee Health Services, Christopher Rural Health Planning Corporation (CRHPC), Rural Health Inc., Egyptian Public and Mental Health, Poshard Foundation for Abused Children, and Health Resources and Services Administration: Behavioral Workforce Education Grant (Trauma Based Behavioral Health Fellowship).