Home / Suicide


suicide prevention graphic 2020

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. At Centerstone, we recognize National Suicide Prevention Month as a time for mental health advocates, community members, prevention organizations, survivors and others to raise awareness and promote constructive discussion about suicide prevention.  We also seek to break the stigma surrounding suicide and provide opportunities for fruitful conversations.

Here you can find articles, fact sheets, video, and other resources on suicide and prevention efforts.  We hope you will join us this month and onward into the future as we work to help prevent suicide by encouraging conversations, breaking down barriers, and connecting those in crisis to the appropriate resources.

If you’re a member of the media and are looking for someone to speak about suicide prevention, we invite you to connect with us here or by requesting the help of a member of our Speaker’s Bureau.

Are you at risk of hurting yourself or someone else? Call one of our crisis lines now:


Don’t feel comfortable calling? Chat 24/7

Centerstone has partnered with The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to offer a confidential, secure and anonymous way of reaching out for help when you don’t know where else to turn. This chat service is available 24/7.

Lifeline Chat

Fact Sheets


Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Depression, Anxiety, and Available Suicide Prevention Resources

In this video we’re discussing Depression, Anxiety, and Available Suicide Prevention Resources like the 24/7 Centerstone Crisis Hotline.
❤️ Dr. Robert Boxley, Director of Clinical Education, Residency Program
❤️ Dr. Bre Banks, Director of Clinical Education, Centerstone’s Institute
❤️ Jashari White, MA, Clinic Manager, TN Centerstone Clinic

Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Mental Health, Suicide Prevention & Resources

In this video we’re discussing Mental Health, PTSD, Depression & Suicide in the Military Community, and Available Resources like Centerstone’s Military Services and the 24/7 Centerstone Crisis Hotline.
❤️️ Jodie Robison, Ph.D., Executive Director of Centerstone’s Military Services.
❤️ Justin Johnson, MSW, Regional Director for Memphis/Shelby County TN Suicide Prevention Network & U.S. Marine Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
❤️ Don McCasland, LCSW, Retired US Army Sergeant First Class

Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Mental Health, Suicide Prevention & Resources

In this video we’re discussing Mental Health, Warning Signs, Prevention Tactics, and Available Resources like the 24/7 Centerstone Crisis Hotline.
❤️️ Becky Stoll, LCSW, VP Crisis & Disaster Management
❤️ Lauren Conaboy, LCSW, VP National Policy & Policy Development
❤️ Greg Bennett, Crisis Care Consultant Team Lead and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist

Centerstone Live Chat: Suicide and Suicide Prevention

We’re discussing suicide and suicide Prevention, live, with Centerstone’s experts.
❤️️ Becky Stoll, LCSW, VP Crisis & Disaster Management
❤️️ Dr. Jennifer Lockman, PhD, CEO, Centerstone’s Research Institute
❤️️ Bre Banks, Director of Clinical Education, Clinical Transformation and Quality Improvement

Centerstone: Mental Health LIVE Chat: Suicide Prevention in the Military Community

In this video we’re discussing mental health in the military community with Centerstone’s experts.
❤️️ Dr. Jodie Robison, PhD, Executive Director, Centerstone’s Military Services
❤️️ Jason Hernandez, Chief Human Resources Officer, Centerstone
❤️️ Lawrence Wood, Crisis Care Consultant, Centerstone

Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Depression, Anxiety, and Available Suicide Prevention Resources
Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Mental Health, Suicide Prevention & Resources
Suicide Prevention Month Live Chat: Mental Health, Suicide Prevention & Resources
Centerstone Live Chat: Suicide and Suicide Prevention
Centerstone: Mental Health LIVE Chat: Suicide Prevention in the Military Community

Additional Resources

Health + Wellness Articles

Women having conversation
Suicide Prevention

It’s Okay to Talk about Suicide

Navigating your own mental wellness can be hard, but helping to navigate mental health challenges of a friend or loved one can be even trickier. Suicide is often an uncomfortable ...

woman holding flower next to flower bushes with palm trees in background
Suicide Prevention

How Summer Affects Suicide Rates

There is a common belief that suicide occurs most often in the cold months, especially around Thanksgiving, Christmas and other winter holidays. This is actually a misconception, however, as suicide ...

woman looking down at phone
Suicide Prevention

Cyberbullying in the Digital World

As communication technology continues to advance, people become increasingly connected through the web and social media. 95% of teens are connected to the internet, and 85% are social media users. ...

Mental Health

Crisis Care Crucial to Suicide Prevention

In 2021, nearly 48,000 people died by suicide, and it is currently the twelfth leading cause of death nationally. In the fight to combat this growing challenge, our nation desperately ...

Suicide Prevention Infographic
Suicide Prevention

What to Know about Young Adult Suicide

The young adult years often represent the prime of life — a time filled with fun and new experiences. But they can also be marked by challenges or stress in ...


Knowing When To Seek Counseling

Have you ever felt like life was just too hard? Worried that you can’t take the pressure, stress, and anxiety anymore?  Sometimes the stressors of life, whether situational or ongoing ...

Suicide Prevention

Grant to Fund Teen Suicide Prevention

We are delighted to announce a recent grant award from the Clarence E. and Inez R. Custer Foundation and the Elizabeth R. and Walter C. Nugent Foundation to fund a Suicide Awareness and Prevention program for Bartholomew County middle and high school students. ...

Suicide Prevention

Resources for Youth Facing Traumatic Events

Due to a recent school suicide in Indiana, Centerstone wants to make sure the resources to talk to your children and teens about recent traumatic events are readily available. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has dozens of helpful articles to help parents and teachers - use search terms like "tip sheet" or "school violence" in the search field to find links to great articles. https://www.nctsn.org/resources. ...

Spark battles depression comic

Depression Comic Teaches Teens About Suicide Prevention

Centerstone has just released its fifth superhero-themed comic book for teens. Spark: Rising from the Ashes addresses the crucial topics of depression and suicide prevention among today’s youth. It is available now for distribution through Centerstone prevention specialists serving schools and community centers throughout 58 Tennessee counties. The free comic book can also be read online and reprinted. ...

Suicide Prevention graphic 2020

If You Know Someone at Risk for Suicide

Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S. for all ages. Every day, approximately 132 Americans die by suicide. That’s one death every 11 minutes. Suicide accounted for ...

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