Military Services

Military Archives
Health & Wellness
April is the Month of the Military Child, and for good reason. Children who are raised in military families ...
Mental Health
Press Release
Many values are instilled in service members from their earliest days in basic military training and boot camp. Some ...
Press Release
Veterans Day is once again upon us. This is the one day each year dedicated to paying our respects ...
Since 2002, over 100,000 military service members have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The effects of combat ...
Family Matters
Health & Wellness
The pressures of perfectionism and the concerns children and teens face in today’s world are unlike the experiences many ...
Press Release
The clinic was transformed into an art gallery on August 10th in honor of our one-year anniversary. Thirty Veteran ...
Family Matters
Health & Wellness
Military children deserve our gratitude Gratitude for our nation’s veterans and active military members are rightfully common across our ...
Military Archives
Press Release
Dr. Jodie Robison, Executive Director of Centerstone’s Military Services, has been selected to the 2019-2020 Research and Knowledge Committee ...
For some people, Memorial Day is just another three-day weekend, the beginning of grilling season, the opening of community ...
It was month 5 of the 15-month deployment. Originally, it was going to be a 6-month deployment. My wife ...
A warrior in a family social environment is usually quiet. Quiet does not mean that they aren’t listening. If ...
Veterans Day is upon us once again. It’s time for us – as a nation and as individuals – ...
The fundamental principle to put others before ourselves is within the fabric of every military community. However, the same ...
On behalf of Centerstone’s Military Services, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our network. ...

June 14 marks the 244nd birthday of the US Army — initially established in 1775 as the Continental Army. ...

Post-traumatic stress has become a familiar term. It’s still difficult for family and friends at home to understand what ...

Writing Down The Bones is the title of a book that I came across as I was struggling through ...

"It’s just a coincidence."

It was a phrase Suzi Landolphi, expert equine therapist and newest addition to the Boulder Crest ...

Press Release
With more than 18 years of behavioral health and management experience, Robison will oversee Centerstone’s military-related services, programming, operations, ...
Press Release
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone serves military service members and their familes by providing ...
Military Archives
Health & Wellness
Long after active duty ends, U.S. service members and military families face a different battle—the opioid overdose epidemic. Opioid ...
Mental Health
Health & Wellness
Experiencing trauma in life is not rare. About six out of ten men and five out of ten women ...

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